6215 Springfield-Xenia Rd.
Springfield, OH. 45502
EMS Department: 937-324-3031
Fire Department: 937-325-9081
Station Fax: 937-322-4107
Can we get to your house or business?
While the Green reflctive address signs (click here) can help us find you quicker, can we get to your house or business or even your barns? A common problem overlooked by home owners and some businesses is clear access via your driveway.
Your personal cars and trucks may fit fine. Our trucks and equipment may not. Our equipment is large and wide, afterall we have to bring everything we need for an emergency. Low hanging tree limbs and heavy brush can damage our/your fire trucks and medic units delaying or preventing us getting to you in a timely manner.
While cleaning up your yard or trimming the trees this spring, summer, and fall, please take time to clear access to your home or business. We prefer 14 feet high and at least 10 feet wide in order to get our critical equipment to your emergency quickly. If we cannot get access quickly the delay could be devastating.